"The heat is on." The title of that Glenn Frey song not only applied to the sweltering temperatures around much of the nation last week, it also applied to the debt ceiling debate, as the heat was on our leaders in Washington to finalize a solution to our debt situation. Why is this important? Read on for details.
Why? Because solving our debt ceiling debate and finding a long-term plan for lowering our deficit and being fiscally sound will raise confidence in our debt and help the US keep its AAA credit rating from the various credit rating firms like Moody’s and Standard and Poor’s. This will help investors continue to see the US as the ultra safe haven for their money, which is a key aspect of our continued economic recovery.
Speaking of our economic recovery, there was some good news last week for the housing sector, as June Housing Starts and Building Permits were both reported better than expected. While this is only one number and one number doesn't make a trend, this is a good figure, and I will be watching closely for follow through in future readings.
New Passenger-Friendly Rules for Air Travel
New rules will also raise compensation if you're bumped.
By Susannah Snider, Kiplinger.com
When Jacqueline Tanzella flew from San Francisco to Florida recently for a family vacation, she paid $25 for Delta Airlines to check her bag. She landed around midnight; her suitcase didn't. Tanzella made it through the night by borrowing pajamas from an aunt and a new Superman toothbrush from her nephew. But she wasn't happy. "I didn't pay a $25 fee only to be inconvenienced by not having my bag until the next morning," she says. "Most retailers would reimburse me or give me a credit in a situation like this."
Baggage fees are getting scrutiny in expanded airline passenger protections announced by the Department of Transportation. One rule requires airlines to reimburse bag-check fees if your luggage is lost. That won't help fliers like Tanzella, whose bags are merely delayed, and some experts are grumbling that the protections lack bite. "It is only incremental improvement," says Rick Seaney, of FareCompare.com. The new protections will also increase the amount that airlines must pay passengers who are involuntarily bumped (from a maximum of $800 now to a maximum of $1,300), limit the time international flights may sit on the tarmac, and require taxes and fees to be more clearly displayed in advertised fares.